Memberships fees

MAD FinTech welcomes companies of all types and sizes, adapting the possibilities of adhesion to the reality of each entity. For this reason, we have created various types of membership, with fees adapted to their possibilities and realities.


Annual fee

€ 450

Self-employed, Micro-SMEs,
Offices and Startups


Annual fee

€ 950

Commercial, Financial, Technological,
FinTech, InsurTech, LegalTech,
PropTech, RegTech, etc.


Annual fee

€ 1.950

Banks, Insurers and Corporations
Mercantile that include up to
3 subsidiaries or departments


Annual fee

€ 0

Regulators, Employers,
Public and Private Institutions,
Non-profit organizations


Annual fee

According to agreement

Sponsors and Collaborators
in Projects and Challenges

All Startup, Company or Corporation Partners become Number Partners.
The Institutional Partners (ONL) have the same rights, minus the political voting and eligibility rights.

Corporate Members are not Number Members and their activity is subject to the clauses of their agreement.

Types of Membership

1. Numerary Members

They are those who, after paying an annual fee, acquire the political right to vote in equality and the right of access to all activities, as well as to all bodies, commissions, working groups and initiatives of the Association. There will be the following varieties of Full Members:

1-1. Constituents partners,

who signed the Association’s Constitution Act.

1-2. Founding Partners,

who signed the Act of Accession on February 19 at the Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid.

1-3. Ordinary Members,

which are all the others who acquire their nature as Numerary Member throughout the life of the Association.

2. Non-Numerous Members

They are those who, after paying a symbolic annual fee, do not acquire the political right to vote; but yes, the right of access to all the activities, as well as to all the bodies, commissions, working groups and initiatives of the Association.
There will be the following varieties of Non-Numerous Members:

2-1. Startup Partners,

which are those legal persons of any size and activity that are linked to the Financial and / or FinTech ecosystem pay a symbolic membership fee.

2-2. Institutional Partners,

which are those public or private legal entities of different nature (associations, foundations, public bodies, etc.) that adhere to the Association with or without a collaboration agreement.v In agreement, they may be exempted from paying the annual fee.

3. Honorary Partners

They are those appointed at the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Association and who do not pay an annual fee. They do not acquire political voting rights or the right to access activities. There will be the following varieties of Honorary Members:

3-1. Ambassadors Partners,

in different cities of the world, who are awarded an Accrediting Diploma and join the International Advisory Council of the cluster.

3-2. Honorary Partners,

that they are natural persons who receive the appointment on an Honoris Causa basis due to their connection, history and relationship with the financial and technological ecosystem.

3-3. Corporate Partners or Benefactors,

that are legal entities that sign a collaboration agreement to carry out a collaboration, sponsorship or patronage to finance specific activities of the association.

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